vineri, 31 iulie 2009

Din tainele Typo3

I am building a website, something about image processing. I usually use bb_languageselect for the multilinguality. Unfortunately this works only with flags, no links or dropdown lists. So, after searching through TER I finally succeeded to find cab_reaurl_languageselector. This is a good extension and easy to implement and configure. It has two dependencies: RealURL and the extension adaltas_realurl_i18n, which makes URL path translation possible at all.
In case you decide to use this extension and the site is hosted in a subdirectory on a local server you will have to extend the class.tx_cablanguageselector_pi1.php on line 170 as follows:
$baseurl = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['baseURL'];
if ($baseurl[strlen($baseurl)-1] == '/'){
$baseurl = substr($baseurl,0,strlen($baseurl)-1);
$langArr[$lid]['link'] = $baseurl.$langArr[$lid]['link']; }

More to come.

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