vineri, 30 iulie 2010
miercuri, 21 iulie 2010
Typo3 tt_news singleView resize image
I had problems in resizing the image displayed in the single view of tt_news(3.0.1). Using the maxWidth function didn't make thinks better. It seems I had to write in the setup the following line:
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.file.width = value
Of course, you will replace "value" with the desired size.
This may sound stupid, but it took me a while to figure it out.
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.file.width = value
Of course, you will replace "value" with the desired size.
This may sound stupid, but it took me a while to figure it out.
luni, 19 iulie 2010
You are nooot online
Am zile in care simt nevoia sa vorbesc cu oameni si fix in zilele alea Adinei i se taie netu' la munca, Roxi, desi a terminat cu licenta, e ocupata, Jakob ma ignora de cand a venit, Radu spala masini, Beni munceste asiduu (bine, el deobicei munceste asiduu), Vlad e la mare, Carmen umbla telelea prin parcuri si tot asa. Fix azi s-au nimerit toti. Din acest motiv am inceput sa caut bilete de avion, de tren, de microbuz, sa socotesc rute, sa caut versuri, sa scriu mesaje, sa fac ceai la toata lumea, sa-mi verific mailu' din 7 in 19 minute, pana si in spam m-am uitat..
Oh, whisper three words.
Mondays..can't live with them, can't live without them!
Oh, whisper three words.
Mondays..can't live with them, can't live without them!
vineri, 16 iulie 2010
Typo3 syntax highlighting
The new Typo3, Typo3 4.4, doesn't have the highlighting extension installed by default. I tried other extensions but in the end, what I should have done first actually, I looked in the sysext and found it there. T3editor.
luni, 12 iulie 2010
Typo3 Add Custom CSS Classes to the TYPO3 RTE
I unsuccessfully tried for a whole day to add new classes with the rte style sheet. It seems that the rte classes don't work anymore with Typo3 4.
So, this won't work
default {
# link to site css stylesheet
contentCSS = fileadmin/templates/css/screen/content.css
# clear typical styling
classesAnchor >
classesLinks =
# set classes available to these properties. Paragraph is another name
# for block
classesCharacter := addToList(coding, note, important, warning)
classesParagraph := addToList(coding, note, important, warning, float_left, center, float_right)
classesTD := addToList(sub)
classesTable := addToList(full, fixed)
# list all available classes here, otherwise they're removed on RTE save
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(coding, note, important, warning, float_left, center, float_right, sub, full, fixed)
Luckily for me I speak German and found the solution on a German forum. It's easy, just change from rtehtmlarea to tinymce_rte. It has lots of other cool features, so, I highly recommend it.
Careful, don't take tinyrte. It's not being maintained anymore.
So, this won't work
default {
# link to site css stylesheet
contentCSS = fileadmin/templates/css/screen/content.css
# clear typical styling
classesAnchor >
classesLinks =
# set classes available to these properties. Paragraph is another name
# for block
classesCharacter := addToList(coding, note, important, warning)
classesParagraph := addToList(coding, note, important, warning, float_left, center, float_right)
classesTD := addToList(sub)
classesTable := addToList(full, fixed)
# list all available classes here, otherwise they're removed on RTE save
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(coding, note, important, warning, float_left, center, float_right, sub, full, fixed)
Luckily for me I speak German and found the solution on a German forum. It's easy, just change from rtehtmlarea to tinymce_rte. It has lots of other cool features, so, I highly recommend it.
Careful, don't take tinyrte. It's not being maintained anymore.
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